
The ecological importance of insects in the ecosystem

It must be taken into account the ecological importance of insects in the ecosystem, since although they can sometimes be annoying, they are essential for the conservation of our planet and in this article Proteinsecta is going to tell you everything about this topic.

Insects are really very important to preserve the ecosystem because of the functions they perform. such as pollination or even the removal of dirt.

Furthermore, in many countries it is already common to eat these small animals because they are a great source of protein and a very balanced food for people's diets, that is why this type of diet is increasingly spreading in various countries, where it was not done before.

Why is insects given ecological importance?

They are essential animals for the development of the environment, below we are going to tell you the importance of each one of the functions that insects perform so that you can see for yourself their importance.

Pollination and insects

Pollination is essential so that some plants can reproduce and, therefore, offer us their fruits and new seeds.

We could say that it is the most important function of these insects, thanks to which farmers can have better crops, in fact, currently adding bees to greenhouses is being implemented, since they offer higher quality pollination to crops.

The insects move between flowers and plants, during this process pollen adheres to them, which they transport to another new plant, causing it to be pollinated and, therefore, for the plant to reproduce.

Insects are the main culprits that produce the miracle of life in the plant world, and this is very important for ecosystems to run their course and continue to grow and flourish.

In this part we highlight the ecological importance of insects, since without them most of the plants we know would not exist or we would not be able to reproduce.

abeja importancia ecologica

Cleaning from insects

Another function that insects have is to clean dirt, with dirt we refer to the remains of other animals, since there are scavenger insects that feed on the dead bodies of other animals for their own survival.

This “cleaning” has great ecological importance, since it helps the decomposition process of bodies and causes the cycle of life to continue.

Parasitic insects

We know that having parasites is not pleasant and that it can also be a big problem in advanced cases, but we must say that it is part of the ecological importance of insects.

Parasitic insects prevent overpopulation of some species, thus allowing the development of evolutionary adaptations to continue to occur.

Annoying or not, this is another crucial function that helps ecosystems persist and that the environment benefits from the existence of these small animals.

Modern food

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, these types of animals are a perfect balanced combination for feeding humans and other animals.

Well then, another part that makes them so important is precisely that they serve to feed other animals, once again causing the cycle of life to continue on our planet.

However, at this point we want to delve a little deeper, and while it is true that these animals are excellent food, why is eating insects so frowned upon, at least in Europe?

It is really a cultural issue, since in Latin American or African countries they are considered authentic delicacies in certain recipes.

People who have traveled and have ventured to try this dish comment that it is not at all unpleasant on the palate and is very healthy.

So? What happens is that our agricultural ancestors understood insects as pests, so this bad image has been passed from parents to children, causing a reluctance to try these animals.

Fortunately, thanks to how beneficial these animals are on a nutritional level and the low cost of having a insect farm with which to produce this type of food, there are more governments that are committed to promoting this type of food.

importancia ecológica insectos

Join the food of the future

We hope that in our article you have verified the ecological importance that insects have and how crucial it is for our ecosystem that they exist.

Thus, from Proteinsecta we offer you consultancies complete so you can enter the world of insect breeding, both for animal and human food, since legislation is adapting to promote this type of food.

In addition, we give you the opportunity to purchase in our store all the farm materials necessary to start your business.

Don't hesitate to put yourself in contact us to resolve any type of doubt you may have, we will be happy to help you.