What materials for insect farms do we need?
The current global interest in insect farms is getting bigger every day and it is no wonder. The more time passes, the more the effectiveness of this business and the benefits it brings are demonstrated. Thanks to all this insecticulture It has become a fact that plans to change the world as we know it. If you are one of those interested in participating in this, then it is time to have your own insect farm. To help you with this, today we will talk to you about the insect farm materials what you will need and thus have your own. This way you will be able to know everything you need to get started in this type of business.
Materials you will need for an insect farm
Creating an insect farm is actually much simpler than any other type of farm. Of course, this does not mean that it does not involve a lot of work and effort to complete its manufacture. That is why, among all the main factors that you should know about it, are the materials for insect farms.
The importance is due to the fact that, knowing the materials you will need, you will be able to estimate the initial capital that you will need to invest. That way, you can plan more concretely the insect farm development.
Before we start talking to you about the materials, you should know that they can vary depending on the type of insect you decide to raise on the farm. Therefore, we will talk to you about the materials depending on whether you are going to have a farm for larvae or a farm for insects without a larva phase.
Materials for insect farms in their larva phase
The larval insects They are highly commercialized today for various reasons. Some such as Zophoba morio or Tenebrio molitor are the most common. Therefore, to create farms for insects in the larva phase you will need the following materials:
Module for rearing larvae
Definitely, the module is one of the most important materials of all. It can be defined as the base on which the boxes or drawers where the insects will be placed will be placed. In most cases it is made of a resistant metal.
Fattening trays
On the other hand, fattening trays are those where all the insects will be placed to raise them. Since it will be right there where they will be fed so that they gain weight and grow correctly.
By the time the insects reach their ideal sales weight, it is time to put them through the sieve. Which will be responsible for properly separating them from any other type of dirt or food residue on the trays.
Reproduction drawers
Finally, you may need the reproduction drawers. Where you will take your insects so that they leave their babies there to begin raising them individually.
Materials for insect farm without larva phase
On the other hand, there are farms that are designed to house insects without larva phase. Due to this, they are different from the previous one and are designed for the breeding of insects such as various types of crickets. So, if your interest is focused on this type of insects, the materials you will require are:
Breeding modules or carts
As for other types of insects, in this case the modules also become necessary. With the difference that, in the case of crickets, it is recommended taller modules. In fact, there are some modules that are specific for raising crickets.
Fattening containers
On the other hand, there are also fattening containers, which, in this case, are also larger. So, without a doubt, the best thing you can do is buy those that are suitable for crickets.
Cardboard egg cups
In the case of breeding insects without larva phase, the use of cardboard egg cups to feed the crickets. You can even use these in a recycled way if you wish.
Cardboard grids
On the other hand, there are cardboard grids, which you can use to increase the size available in the module. Since they will allow you to expand the space for insect breeding.
Egg hatching drawer
Just as insects with a larva phase have their reproduction box, insects without a larva phase require a box to hatching of eggs. Therefore, it becomes the perfect place for crickets to lay all their eggs. Which, of course, you can continue raising on your own farm.
Module for hatching boxes
Cricket egg hatching boxes are other insect farm materials you will need. Well, due to the design and size of the grid rearing modules, you will need a separate module for the hatching boxes. It is a necessary space that will even allow you to carry a better farm-wide organization.
Counseling is essential!
Entering the field of insect farming requires learning everything from a new world of concepts, terms, processes and methodologies. That is why thinking about having an insect farm is not a quick process to carry out lightly, due to the information and preparation you need to know to have your own farm.
However, this is nothing out of this world.
In fact, at Proteinsecta we give you a counseling for setting up and starting your insect farm. In this way, you will be able to know all the steps to follow for the correct development of the farm in question.
From the beginning of the plans to the installation of the farms we will accompany you. Helping you learn about the growth processes of the various types of insects you can raise. As well as the way in which you should feed and hydrate them.